Paul and Katerina are editing a Special Issue on ‘Understanding Babinski’s Anosognosia: 100 years later’, Cortex.
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The issue will mark the 100th anniversary of Joseph Babinski’s seminal paper “contribution à l’ètude des troubles mentaux dans l’hémiplégie organique cérébrale (anosognosie)”, in which the term anosognosia was first coined to describe an apparently selective ignorance or unawareness of paralysis following right-hemisphere cerebral damage. Anosognosia has since undergone considerable development in terms of scope and specificity, and has been the subject of intense clinical and scientific interest, owing to the fact that unawareness creates a clinically-challenging functional impairment, but also a potentially rich source of insight into the mechanisms of self-consciousness. This special issue will provide a 21st century update of developments in anosognosia research. New papers from leading researchers in the field will consider anosognosia for hemiplegia following stroke; anosognosia for sensory, language and memory impairments; and unawareness phenomena in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Empirical studies that combine neuroimaging, clinical and experimental data will be presented alongside (longitudinal) case studies of anosognosia, state-of-the-art neuroimaging studies, and review papers covering clinical, conceptual, historical, empirical and theoretical issues of importance for the understanding of anosognosia in various neuropathologies. The special issue will discuss the far-reaching implications and impact of anosognosia research, and consider the challenges, limitations and future developments in the field, thereby providing a fertile environment for the generation of novel hypotheses for future research.