Am I fat or just pregnant?
Problem: Typically, weight gain during pregnancy is not only a natural, but also often a necessary part of being pregnant (Devine, Bove & Olson, 2000). It has been proposed that during pregnancy, matter does seem to take over from the mind (Wiles, 1994). Although each case is different, women often have no choice in physical bodily changes, like the expanding belly (and cup size!), inevitable stretch marks and swollen feet. Despite the maternal body being typically represented as a natural state of femininity, there tends to be a general pressure to stay “healthy” during pregnancy and “get your body back” after birth (Dworkin, & Wachs, 2004). Some women even feel disembodied during pregnancy, experiencing a loss of control with the pregnant body “refusing to obey”, while other women thoroughly enjoy the physical changes, and most having mixed feeling on the experience (Warren & Brewis, 2004).
Possible solutions: One possibility to try and focus on your baby, rather than your body. As Dwoekin & Wachs (2004) explain, body changes are essential for the development of a growing baby, and after birth, the pregnant body has been through a lot and needs time to recover. Research has also found that it may help to view pregnancy as a way to free women from the common norms associated with body image, and give way to the uncontrollability of the maternal body that reminds us of the most primal aspect of human life (Warren, & Brewis, 2004).
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Dworkin, S. L., & Wachs, F. L. (2004). “Getting Your Body Back” Postindustrial Fit Motherhood in Shape Fit Pregnancy Magazine. Gender & Society, 18(5), 610-624.
Warren, S., & Brewis, J. (2004). Matter over mind? Examining the experience of pregnancy. Sociology, 38(2), 219-236.
Wiles, R. (1994). I’m not fat, I’m pregnant’: The impact of pregnancy on fat women’s body image. Women and health: Feminist perspectives, 33-48.