Carolina Villegas Martinez

Carolina has a BSc in Psychology from the University of Monterrey, and an MSc in Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology from UCL and the Anna Freud Centre. Her BSc dissertation focused on self-harming behavior in adolescents and she presented results at the XXVI Mexican Congress of Psychology and the 5th World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry. Her MSc dissertation was supervised by Dr. Saul Hillman, Senior Research Fellow from ChAPTRe, and investigated changes in foster children’s internal representations of attachment through their first year of placement. She has also worked for about two years at Kinedu, an ECD app, researching and creating content aimed to help parents foster their baby’s and child’s healthy development, as well as leading interactive online sessions with them. Carolina has joined KatLab in September 2021 as a Ph.D. student, and her research will be focused on parenting, specifically parents’ bodily experiences of caregiving and how these may affect their own and their baby’s mental health.



Hillman, S., Villegas, C., Anderson, K., Kerr-Davis, A. & Cross, R. (2022) Internal representations of attachment in Story Stems: changes in the narratives of foster care children. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 48:2, 261-289. Link